Our Services

Keele's Centre for Medicines Optimisation offers a range of tailored services to the NHS.  More details on the type of support we can provide are available on the sections accessed to the right.

Critical Appraisals

The service has 15 years' experience of producing rapid evidence reviews to support clinician decision-making and implementation of new medicines.  We can also offer focussed literature searching services to address specific clinical questions.

Educational Outreach

To help engage practicing healthcare professionals in important medicines optimisation issues we produce educational outreach materials to deliver key messages to frontline staff.

Monitoring QOF Outcomes

Detailed analysis of QOF data for key QOF indicators, comparing indicator achievement and prevalence with prescribing, where appropriate, to support the identification of areas to concentrate resources on.

Prescribing Decision Support

Easy-to-use software tools that make national guidance more accessible to practitioners and more easily applicable to individual patients

Prescribing Analysis

With nearly 20 years experience in analysing prescribing data, we can take the stress out of routine and bespoke medicines related data support.

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