Open Access Materials

We recognise the importance of sharing best-practice in optimising medicines use and a selection of materials are therefore available as open access resources.  Any data included in files available from this area of the website has been anonymised and subscriber CCGs should log-in for access to their data analysis.

Prescribing Information to Support QIPP

An annual report collating key messages and prescribing/admissions data for the QIPP medicines management options identified by the NICE Medicines and Prescribing Centre (MPC). Provides medicines management leads, prescribers and commissioners as complete a picture of activity as possible, to identify the opportunities to improve standards and provide safer care as well improving efficiency and effectiveness

NHS England reports

NHS England Medicines Optimisation Dashboard Evaluation

An evaluation of the initial iteration of the Medicines Optimisation Dashboard. 

NHS England Medicines Optimisation Prioritisation Project

This report summarises the process that Keele Centre for Medicines Optimisation has engaged in to collect, categorise and determine the opportunities for Medicines Optimisation (MO) interventions that have some evidence of effectiveness and cost effectiveness. 

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