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Educational Outreach


To help engage practice healthcare professionals in important medicines optimisation issues, we support the production of IMPACT educational outreach materials to deliver key messages to front line staff.  Some examples of the topics addressed in recent IMPACT campaigns include:

  • Avoiding hospital admissions due to medication
  • Pain management
  • Type 2 diabetes (with a focus on newer agents)
  • Managing COPD in primary care
  • Antibiotics
  • Polypharmacy

Campaigns are produced on a commissioned basis for CCGs and can be on any topic.  Please contact to discuss your project.


Making Change Happen

IMPACT campaigns comprise a complete package of materials designed to support implementing and maintaining best practice in GP practices.  CCG pharmacists or other nominated staff members are trained to deliver key evidence-based messages, as needed, to specific practices, identified by analysis of practice level data.

Each package typically contains:

  • A training day for designated staff
  • Key prescribing messages
  • Analysis of practice level data across the CCG for the therapeutic area considered
  • PowerPoint presentation, which outlines key evidence around the topic being considered and advice during training on how to select appropriate slides/ presentation materials to deliver key prescribing messages 

Subscribing organisations can log-in to access existing materials and examples of past packages are available from the Open Access Materials pages of this site.  

Whether you are in a subscriber CCG or elsewhere, you can commission updates to existing packages, data analysis for your locality or something to meet your individual requirements.  For further information please e-mail us at