Download CCG & Trust Reports

for access to your CCG's reports


Our aim is provide a consistently high-quality, responsive service that reflects key policy drivers and current local medicines optimisation priorities.  We welcome any feedback from  our users.  

Here are some recent comments on our team's work:

"They are very useful and save us time. With topics like antibiotics it is mainly education and a change in mind set. Having the presentations to hand supports my claims and helps to explain the rationale behind the targets. I send them to the GPs to familiarise them with the contents and then bring them up in my meetings whilst discussing progress. They are a useful educational tool for myself too!"
Member of Walsall CCG Medicines Management Team, referring to our Actions for Practice Teams pack

"I just wanted to thank you for these fantastic reports. They have really helped show variation and also keep practices focused on areas of work. I particularly liked the ACT reports on hypertension, getting richer data with QOF and public health observatory gets the message across about triangulating data and looking at patient outcomes rather than proxy measures of prescribing quality."
Senior Pharmaceutical Advisor, NHS Cannock Chase CCG

"Thanks for these, they are a great step forward in support of what we've been trying to replicated ourselves locally."
Head of Medicines Management and Pharmacy

"I find the Keele Medicines Management services an invaluable resource, not just in my work as a practicing GP but as a member of our commissioning consortia."
Dr Sal Riding, GP and Shropshire County Commissioning Consortium Transition Board member

"Keele's Medicines Management team has always provided MTRAC with methodical summaries of clinical evidence, enabling us, as an independent professional body, to make informed decisions about new drugs and increasingly about timely commissioning issues with medicines."
Dr Julian Parkes, GP and chairman of MTRAC

"... appreciate the provision of data. Maybe we "could" do it, but Keele does it so much better!"
Head of Medicines Management

"The epic @MedManKeele do mirabegron... needed for my specialist continence training update, ta!"
James Andrews @aptaim Tweet 22/8/13

"Very good and effective when used with practices - there are options for if you have a short 15 minute slot - or for when you have longer, such as at a protected learning time"
Recipient of Actions for Commissioning Teams pack

If you have any general comments on our service or specific comments regarding reports for your CCG please contact us. If you do not wish your comments to be included on this site, or would prefer to remain anonymous please let us know.